Every August, our East Nashville community has it's annual Tomato Festival, a day of tomato fun! It's motto is "The tomato...a uniter, not a divider - bringing together fruits and vegetables." The day starts with a 5K race through the neighborhood and proceeds to an all day festival of tomato-themed art, music, costumes, food, and contests.

Mark started a Couch-to-5k program this summer for those who have never run before (or had let it fall by the wayside - thus, self-proclaimed couch potatoes) and it was a huge success. He trained over 50 people to run in the Tomato Festival 5k and it was so fun to see how excited they felt and how motivated they were to continue running. Their t-shirts read: "Potato to Tomato" and there has never been a happier group of runners. They got him a yellow "coach" shirt to thank him. :-) So he is easy to find...
It was a hot day outside, but it was worth it. We got to hear Katy sing songs from Coaltrain Railroad, meet up with friends, and buy some great tomato art.

Try and ignore the sweat stains. That tomato fan clearly didn't help much in the 105 degree humidity!
This past weekend, I got to go visit one of my best friends in California. Monique and I met in the parking garage on our first day of nursing school orientation 7 years ago, and we were pretty much instant friends. It was good to have four days with her to just talk and catch up. It didn't hurt that she lives in Pasadena near the ocean and that it was 75 degrees of sunny perfection outside either...
Mark's parents visited a few weeks ago. His dad is an amazing woodworker and made us an island for our kitchen. He did such a beautiful job - we showed him a picture online and he basically re-created it. It has a lovely butcher block top that I am still afraid to cut on for fear of putting a scratch in it, but I guess that is inevitable!
And even though I love summer with it's long days and fun trips, I am ready for the fall and some cooler temperatures. I can't wait for pumpkins and 'mums and the leaves changing color. Tennessee has great autums and I always enjoy running outside so much more this time of year. It's a good thing, because Alison and I signed up for the Memphis half marathon in December so I better get to training!