Friday, February 7, 2014

Two under two...

It's not for the weak of heart!  Today nothing short of a miracle occurred and they both napped at the same time....for 2 hours!!!  I hope it's not a fluke and instead becomes the trend.  The "sync nap" as we call it, is much needed after a busy morning chasing around Leena, who does NOT stop for a second, and trying to protect enjoy Julianne too.  I love them both so dearly, but am a bit worn out by 1:00 when they go down!  Julianne is 8 weeks old now and she has become a great sleeper, going to bed at 7 and waking up only once to eat, then sleeping in till 7 again.  This is a far cry from what Leena did so I am happy beyond words!  Here are some photos of the past few days.  We have been pretty housebound with this cold weather.  I am ready for the Polar Vortex to move on over and bring some sun and warmth so we can hit up the zoo and the playground!

Leena loves to "rock" the swing and keep Julianne happy.  She also likes to climb in the swing herself and if I turn my back will do just that.  I hope it holds up for at least a few more months!

She has also had fun trying out old baby equipment.  She almost got stuck in this one!

Here are some of sweet Julianne at 8 weeks!

We have a climber...

And an avid reader.

Sister snuggles.