Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Life these days

Here's a few pics of the last few weeks.  Leena is getting more alert and is awake for longer periods of time so it's been fun to interact with her.  She started smiling (YAY!) and cooing some.  She is tracking objects and making eye contact too.  This for sure makes our days more fun!  Although, I still have conversations with her and Ryman throughout the day which are probably the result of being without adult interaction for extended periods of time - but at least she now seems to be listening to me!  :)

She has also successfully slept through outings to Ugly Mugs (our local coffee shop), several restaurants, and one grocery store trip.  What can I say - getting out of the house with a baby for any extended period of time now feels like a victory!  

And, the best news of all...she sleeps for SEVEN HOUR STRETCHES at night.  I am one who needs her sleep and needs some form of predictability, so this little routine at night is heaven.  Here's to hoping it will last!

And now for the cuteness:

Sitting up (sort of) in her monkey outfit that Catherine made for her.  I believe she lopped over soon after this was taken, but she's getting there!

That precious and coveted smile!  I make a fool of myself to get that out of her...

Hanging with Ryman on her play-mat

Practicing neck strength in her bumbo seat (who comes up with these names?)

Showing some East Nasty love (this was a gift I gave Mark for Christmas - and it finally fits her!)

Nothing is cuter than a sleeping baby... 

In other news - Leighanne and I decided to run the Nashville Music City Half Marathon this weekend.  Sure, I'm 7 weeks postpartum. Sure, she's going to be post-call.  Sure, we didn't really train and are both health care professionals that should know better.  But, we will be out there in all our sweaty, out of shape glory this Saturday morning!  What can I say, my stubbornness has gotten the best of me.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

4 weeks!

I can't believe it's been 4 weeks since she was born. This month has flown (in a daze of sleep deprivation...) She's already put on nearly a pound since birth. She's starting to hold her head up a little bit and has outgrown her "newborn" clothes already! We love her so much and even when she screams her head off for a solid 2 hours for reasons that we can't figure out (that may have happened last night...) it's totally worth it to snuggle that little body and kiss those little cheeks every day!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The First Month

We've just been hanging out around here and trying to get some sleep! Leena is pretty flexible about where she sleeps - she loves the jogging stroller so she is able to nap while I go for my morning run around the neighborhood. She also sleeps well in the car which is great for traveling! She's still a bit young for us to take her places, but she has gotten to go on lots of walks and even made an appearance at neighborhood group a few days ago and got loved on by everyone. Here are a few pictures of her first month. Lots of sleeping/crying/eating/diaper changing and then repeat. :-)

Snuggle time!

Baby burrito. And she loves the beautiful quilt that Grandma Miller made for her!

Hanging with Daddy (and Ryman!)

The best place to sleep!

I could kiss those cheeks all day long!