Summer has flown by - and I'm ready for fall! Some of the highlights include our family vacation to Grayton Beach, the U2 concert (another item checked off the life list - I am obsessed with Bono), and Mark training for and completing the Louisville ironman! He did really well - I was so proud of him. A great majority of my summer, however, was spent on the couch, or um, getting sick, thanks to the little peanut inside of me who will make his/her debut in February! We are super excited and now that I am over the nausea, sickness, general sickness of the first trimester, I'm starting to enjoy this whole pregnancy thing! Of course, there are lots of questions to be answered about work, childcare, insurance, money, and all that not so fun stuff, but I'm trying to take one day at a time and not be so worried about it all. Mark is better at that than I am, but I swear I'm trying! Here are some pictures of our summer and of course, a slightly blurry ultrasound pic of baby Miller!
Grayton Beach, Florida - sister photo

Drew loved the water - and started learning to walk on the beach!
Getting ready to hit up The Red Bar for date night!

Family photo on the beach, NOT wearing matching khaki and white... :-)
Waiting for U2 to come on - been waiting for this concert for months!