It's been a long time since I updated this, but now we have a cute little new member in our family for me to blog about and obsessively post pictures of! Leena Kay Miller was born on March 7th at around 11 pm. She weighed 8 pounds, 11 oz and was 21 1/2 inches long. She was a week overdue as well - so we were good and ready to meet her. We didn't know it was a her until she was born, since we wanted to be surprised. It was so fun to find out in the delivery room.
first family photo!
I love this picture!

So though we're a bit sleep deprived, she is doing well, feeding like a champ, and even sleeping in 4 hour stretches at night (which is heaven). Here are some pictures of her first 2 weeks at home.
Snuggle time!
Tummy time - getting stronger each day
Her one week photo...
And her 2 week photo - I can already tell she's getting some chub!
Her first bath - she loved the warm water...
But not drying off! Brrr...
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